“How do I get through to my partner?”
Each of you might wonder, “How do I express my needs without you feeling threatened or becoming defensive?”
This is the most challenging issue in relationships because most couples don’t know how to communicate their needs effectively.
To have needs in a relationship is natural and healthy. Silencing your needs can be devastating because your needs matter.
We will work to understand your needs and express them so both of you can hear and receive them.
How did we get here?
Relationship problems originate from our everyday interactions, our character, and our emotions. Therefore, we must address all three.
Minor changes to how you interact every day can transform your relationship. I will call you out on your character because integrity matters. We will explore your deep emotions and fears because what is underneath the surface always comes out in relationships. Together, we will address all of these aspects.
If you do nothing for your relationship, the flame will die out in time, and you will become passive and distant. It is human nature. This does not mean you are fundamentally flawed or shouldn’t be together.

“Do I matter beyond what I can do for everyone else?”
Moms – I hear you. You feel overworked, overwhelmed, and underappreciated. You have heard the message clearly: “You must care for EVERYBODY.” Things have gotten so out of balance, and you are exhausted.
You feel like collateral damage in the quest for raising a healthy/happy family. We will work side by side to understand what it means to be a child of God and find our worth there. I will work with you on your automatic thoughts and negative beliefs. Changing your thought process will reinforce the truth that you are a treasure, and God delights in YOU. No longer do you have to listen to the lies.
Don’t become a martyr.
You don’t have to sacrifice yourself on the altar of motherhood to be a good mother. Together, we will explore possibilities for your life and your God-given potential. What excites you? What makes you feel alive? You are a beautiful, vibrant, passionate, vital woman of God. He has important work for you in His Kingdom beyond caring for everyone else.
Lower the bar.
For some, settling for less-than-perfect sounds awful, and the hairs on (the back of) your neck rise at the thought of it. But truth be told, perfectionism is the enemy of joy and peace and should never be the goal.
We live in a fallen world, and I encourage you not to expect more from it than you should.
Here’s what to expect from therapy.
While I will be pointing out problem areas as I see them, I work hard not to favor men or women. Both have unique perspectives and challenges in a relationship.
You deserve dignity and respect. People are not a diagnosis or something you can fit into a formula. When you come into my office, I see a person, not a problem to solve or a mental illness to diagnose.
You are a human being with the same blood running through your veins that is running through mine.
We are connected as fellow strugglers in this life.
Come. Explore. Transform.
About Kim Kurtz, LMFTA
Helping families is my mission.
I hold a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. Between my training, being married for almost 30 years, and having adult children, I am no stranger to the pitfalls of marriage or the unique burden of motherhood.
In families, we love each other more than anything and can hurt each other more than anyone. The key to joy and peace in this world is finding beauty in the mess. My life has been messy, but God has been so good to me. And He has goodness for you.
It is my honor and joy to help families stay together and thrive. After all, families are the cornerstone of our society.
Relationships are beautiful and complex. Laughter and fun help us survive and are a must in relationships, otherwise, what’s the point in being together?

When not working…
I love hanging with my sweet kitties, writing, reading, and watching a good alien movie on Netflix with a crackling fire in the fireplace.
I believe in community and the power of togetherness, but as an introvert, I am also very much a homebody.
Deep conversations, football (it is infinitely frustrating being a Colts fan, but they are my home team, so what can I do?!), and a fabulous autumn day give me endless joy.